Automated Docket Verification

DocketSaver™ Automated Docketing Verification

For US Docketing (Foreign not Included)

If you prefer to do your own patent docketing or have an outside vendor but want another layer of protection against errors, our automated docket verification is made for you.

BHAI Verifies

  • That all correspondence downloaded from the USPTO’s patent docketing portal resulted in a patent docket entry on your docket with at least one expected deadline.
  • If supported by the customer’s docketing system, that the correct docketing code was used to docket the downloaded item.
  • That the USPTO’s priority date taken from PAIR matches that in the customer’s docket system – this is checked each time a verification is run on a received docket item. No other bibliographic information is verified beyond serial number and priority date. Complete bibliographic data verification is available as a separate service.  

It’s as easy as 1-2-3 to set up, and our pricing makes it impossible to say no. Docketing errors are the most common source of major liability in patent practice, so this may be the smartest thing you ever do to protect your IP assets, patent group, and reputation.


DocketSaver™ is as easy as 1-2-3!!

Step One: Set Up

To get set up all we need from you is a weekly docketing report from your docketing system and access to your private PAIR account and your USPTO portal downloads. Our DocketSaver™ verification system will train itself based on your docketing practices in about a month (or can be accelerated at your choice), based on your volume. Once our training is completed, we can move to Step 2. 

Step Two: Automatic Training

Once our DocketSaver™ system is trained our automated algorithms will verify your docket each week to make sure that all items received in your law firm’s USPTO portal download resulted in an entry in your docketing system that has an expected final deadline. We will make sure that critical deadlines like provisional conversion dates, Paris Convention dates, and PCT deadlines are found, and trickier docketing like setting the final deadline for a non-final response in expedited examination cases. 

Step Three: Daily Verification

Each day or week our DocketSaver™ system will send you a report noting any discrepancies we find between your USPTO portal correspondence and your docketing system. If you have any special requirements, we can add them to your verification rules. Last, but not least, you and your clients can enjoy greater docketing reliability and fewer chances of items slipping through the cracks. 

Relaxing Back In Office Chair

Get the freedom you need

Protect your IP assets, patent group, and reputation with our DocketSaver™ Automated Docketing Verification