Patent and Trademark Docketing Services

The highest quality Patent Paralegals, Trademark Paralegals, and Foreign Filing Paralegals

All of our paralegals are U.S. Based
Man At His Desk With Hands Up Celbrating

Docketing Options

Need help with docketing? We work in all major systems and configure our docketing platform to follow all your rules to the letter. We can even learn your rules automatically. Our SureDocket™ and DualDocket™ automated patent docketing services are the most accurate in the industry.

Critical Date Back Up Docket

Our independent team uses a separate system, verifies priority dates for date calculation and assures that de-docketing was performed correctly by reviewing notes and actions taken in your system.


Our DocketSaver™ service is truly a revolution in docketing. You docket and we automatically verify that everything made it onto your docket as wanted. All we need is your PAIR certificate and a docketing report from your patent docketing system.

IDS Management

Our docketing technology can automatically identify all documents that need to be processed to source IDS information, and automatically extract references and put them into a file structure that allows your IDS manager to be readily updated. Let us help you save time and money on IDS compliance.

File Opening/File Transfers

File opening, especially for file transfers, can be a daunting task. Our Filing Opening Supervisor platform controls all aspects of file opening and makes sure your files are opened correctly and no matters fall through the cracks. Finally, our Amazing Grace™ web-based software is employed to update, maintain and validate the data.

Client System Updates

Need help with updating your clients’ IP systems? We work in all major systems and can configure our docketing wizard to follow all your customer rules to the letter. Just send us the requirements and we will give you a quote.

Automated Reporting

Eliminate the costly time staff spend churning out routine form letters to report USPTO correspondence. With our automation this happens in real time after receipt of a docket item from the PTO!

Our overflow docketing capabilities

Only need a little help to keep up? We can do as little or as much as you like so you can stay ahead of the game.
Individual Man Working At Desk

Do you have these challenges?

  • Have outgrown docketing staff but don’t have enough new work to add a full time professional.
  • Need temporary help docketing while staff is out on leave or vacation.
  • Have a large file transfer and lacks resources or expertise in managing a large influx of files at once.
  • Have gotten behind on “second pair of eyes” verification.
  • Need help cleaning up bibliographic data or verifying docketing after discovery of a serious error.
  • Occasionally need overflow assistance with paralegal work, file intake, data verification and proofreading.
Woman Thinking In Work Hallway

Black Hills AI has the Solutions

  • Our SureDocket™ subscription docketing service can be activated selectively and incrementally to take on only as much work as you need done to keep your team’s head above water. Once you are all caught up, we can deactivate our service and wait till the next time you need help. 
  • All work we do is viewable in our Pipeline™ cloud portal so you always know what we have in our pipeline! Our Pipeline™ Cloud Portal shows you the real-time status of each and every item we receive for docketing whether it is an item we downloaded from the PTO’s docketing portal, an item we scraped from PAIR, or an item e-mailed to us by you or a PTO organization. It all flows into our Pipeline™ process where you can view it and track each docket item as it progresses from Received, Assigned to Matter, Auto-ID Complete, Docketed/Docketing Queue, Completed, Verified and Reported. Or use your portal to download analytics or view the docketing history.
  • If you have gotten behind on “second pair of eyes” verification, consider our automated verification service DocketSaver™. With minimal effort setting up, we can very cheaply perform an automated second pair of eyes review to make sure all items sent by the USPTO make it on your docket!
  • We are expert in file opening and our team uses our innovative File Opening Supervisor system assures your files are opened timely and correctly.
  • Our Amazing Grace™ IP data verification web-based software is used to update, maintain and validate all your IP data to assure that all your client’s matters are docketed correctly, no files are missing, and renewals get paid.
  • Our service team members are all located in the U.S. so we are easy to work with and understand your practice.
Group Of Lawyers Excited Throwing Paper

Have you looked into automated docketing?

Our Automated Docketing can handle 90% of your U.S. docketing before you wake up!